Hudson Highlands Photography Club & Workshop
Hudson Highlands Photography Club & Workshop
Our Philosophy
Three guiding principles of this diverse club and workshop are:
1. Learning about photography through talks and workshops at monthly meetings.
2. Be sure to have fun! It’s easy to ‘work’ the fun right out of something.
3. Provide moral and technical support to each other, and be enthusiastic when sharing one’s skills among the group. Creative giving is what generates long term bonds among the members.
Over the years, those underlying currents have brought a lot of joy to everyone!
A little more about us…
The Hudson Highlands Photography Club & Workshop (HHPCW) members are diversified in their imagery, the equipment they use and in their pursuits. They are an eclectic mix of skilled amateurs, semi professionals and professional photographers.
Hudson Highlands Photo Club & Workshop invites prospective members to observe two meetings for free prior to joining. HHPC&W meets the second Monday of each month. Our meetings start at 7:30 pm, but the doors open at 7:00 pm. The meetings are held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 101 Main St., Chester , NY. For more details call Martin Kivell at 914-806-5450 or
For new members joining our club we offer an optional free mentorship service. If the new member is so inclined, we will try to pair up the new member with a more experienced member, hopefully using the same brand of equipment. We also offer this program to current members who feel a one on one active mentoring relationship is more conducive to their style of learning.